March 22, 2010

Coach Says Blogger Highlight Series: Mr. Philosopher

This is the first installment in a series of posts about fellow bloggers I've found interesting on the net.
John Torrey of Mr. Philosopher: Thoughts of the Ignorant Intellectual  took a few minutes to discuss his blog with me. Here's our conversation:
*CS - Coach Says 
*JT - John Torrey 

CS: Tell me a lil bit about you. Background stuff.
JT: I was born and raised in St. Louis, went to Morehouse College cause my big bro went and cause I figured I can go anywhere else after but you only get one shot at college? 

CS: What made you decide to make a blog about philosophy?
JT: I've been a young philosopher for awhile. I've been a writer all my life and I've been my ignorant ass for even longer. lmao But there were issues that id expressed in those Facebook ramblings I'd done and I figured that it might be smart to merge em all.

CS: What made you interested in philosophy?
JT: My English teacher my junior of high school told me i had a philosophical mind and I'd always asked and dealt with the big questions. I went to college not to learn to go get a job but to keep on learning and figured I play to my strengths and the more philosophical texts I read, the more I was convinced I was in the right place.

CS: What do you want to get across with your blog?
JT: I want to push peoples preconceived notions. That's what pulled me to philosophy - the ability to be skeptical and push peoples thinking. A lot of us keep in a box or two. My sole purpose in the world is to get people to think more and I figured I can use the blog to touch folks and hopefully get some conversations going, and also use philosophy as a practical tool for everyday issues.

CS: Who would you most like to read your blog?
JT: EVERY MOTHERFUCKING BODY. I try to touch on a lot of different things so it can appeal to a lot of people. But i want Black folks of course cause that's where my worries always will be. But literally everybody. But real shit, sometimes cause white people read my shit I get nervous about saying some things cause I don't wanna make them feel like they can say some things. lol But for real, everybody can read my shit.

CS: What would your perfect blog post be about?
JT: The effects of capitalism on interpersonal relationships and explaining why the fuck things don't work out cause of it among other things. But I don't really have a perfect post. Just keeping puttin' stuff together and puttin' it out there is perfect.

CS: Where do you want to go with your blog in the future?
JT: Continuing to push the envelope and put down the things that'll become a book in the future. I mean a lot of my posts are just small workings of what can become much larger essays that can be rolled up into a book. So just keepin' down that path and definitely attracting more readers, which means keepin' consistent and plugging away.

CS: Other than the book do you want to try any other media outlets in the future?
JT: Seventy % of me says I should but I'm worried I'd be cussin' up a storm and shit. lol I might not be TV friendly.

CS: Tape Delay lol
JT: lol That would be a necessity. But I'm a bit hot blooded and so I'm worried. But I'd be open to speaking and being on radio and other stuff but don't be surprised if you hear that I popped off on someone. lol

CS: Who would you want to interview for your blog if you could pick anyone?
JT: Interviewing someone for my blog, wow. You know, I've never really thought bout it. Anybody alive or dead?

CS: Dead or Alive. 
JT: If I knew German I'd have [Karl] Marx. If I knew Ancient Greek I'd have Zeno of Elea. But hell, I'd love to interview Black Obama just to see how much of a nigga he is. Cause i know he's a nigga. lol

CS: lol What would you ask them?
JT: Marx - I'd ask for his interpretation of the evolution of capitalism
Zeno - I'd ask him how it felt to be right all the time and how can people now do what he did which is make EVERYBODY else wrong. lol
Black Obama - I'd ask him to be real with me and explain his views of racism compared to his race-blind campaign.

CS: What other blogs do you like?
JT: Sadly I'm not as often checking others blogs. But yours is solid. I should check it more often. Uptown Notes by Dumi Lewis. The Uppity Negro is alright. I mean everybody got a damn blog. Aaron Rhodan's Blind I. I can tell you blogs I don't like. Where mothafuckas whine like shit and are too Blackademic for their own good. I like Niggacademics but i hate Blackademics cuz they tend to separate themselves from themselves. And it reflects in their writings and blogs usually cause black folk get impressed when you use big words. But I don't wanna rant. lol

CS: What do you want people to take from your blog?
JT: That philosophy isn't necessarily dry and that it's very useful. That black people can do philosophy. That we have a lot of notions we don't challenge and that we can challenge em. And don't settle for what you think you know. Fucking trouble it a bit.

CS: Any other things you want to say?
JT: Come by, check it out, COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT. And the brand name of Mr. Philosopher will be my money maker one day. lol
Visit John Torrey's blog by clicking here: Mr. Philosopher


Anonymous said...

Damn, that was a good interview. This reminds me to go ahead and continue with my blogger spotlight before the month ends. Anybody in particular come to mind, Coach?

Anonymous said...

Um, you can interview stew. Imma try and get a q&a with ASamp this week...